Interlibrary loan lets one library borrow a book, article, or film from another library.
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The Abbot Vincent Taylor Library (AVTL) ILL service is available to Belmont Abbey College faculty members, staff, currently-enrolled students, and the Monastic community. Eligible patrons are able to check out up to 10 physical ILL items at a time.
Arrival Time
Borrowing (Electronic Materials)
Please plan for at least 2-5 business days for articles to be sent by the lending institution. Users will be notified via email when their materials have arrived and are available to download.
Borrowing (Physical Materials)
Please plan for at least 7-14 business days for items to arrive from the lending institution. Users will be notified via email when items arrive. They will be held at the AVTL's Circulation Desk for pickup for 2 weeks from the day we notify you before being returned.
Loan Periods and Renewals
The ILL lending institutions determine due dates and may vary from the AVTL loan periods.
Requests for renewals on ILL materials must be placed prior to the original due dates given. Renewals are dependent on approval from the ILL lending institutions and are not guaranteed.
Please email to request a loan prior to the due date.
Overdue Items
Our reputation with other libraries is at risk, and our ability to borrow materials for any and all faculty, staff, and students is compromised when interlibrary loans become overdue.
Once your ILL is overdue, your borrowing privileges for ILL and AVTL are suspended until the item is returned. If an invoice for an item is received from the lending institution, the charges will be added to your library account.
If you do not return your ILL by the end of the semester, a block will be placed on your Self-Service account. Repeated overdue items will result in losing access to any ILL services.
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